Monday, 28 January 2013

Dressed up in the Hall of the Slain

Last saturday me and my friends went on a trip to the very belly of Asgard, deep inside the mist parting the worlds, to the Hall of the Slain, Valhöll.
this was my makeup for the night...
I tried to make a more polished look by using a soft colored lipstick from KIKO so that the lips would not overpower the eyes, and on this particular look I really wanted to avoid the heaviness of two focus points on my face.
the little dots were made just to add a touch of medieval feel to it, the type of face painting one would do if belonging to the barbarie.
the funny thing is that I also use these dots when making more futuristic makeup, but somehow since I didn't go crazy with it I think it served its porpuse.
I avoided the eyeliner because I wanted to stress the ethereal feel of the makeup and still be able to pull off medium/long lashes. I also used and abused of shimmering white but my camera had a bit of trouble picking it up...
 the black eyeshadow is also shimmering, and it's from KIKO and it was applied solely on the hood of the eye and corners, streching to the inner eye , my eyebrow pencil is from AVON and again, these were made in a rather natural shape and look, to perpetuate the medieval feel.
this was the best photo I have from the outfit
*Lace shirt - Flea Market / Satyricon T-shirt - Vagos Open Air Festival / Underbust Corset - Dracula Clothing (Second hand) / Skinny Jeans - present from BF / Transformer 800 Demonia Boots - Second hand / Beer Pint - Present from father Odin*
I'm not very happy with this photo... alas, this was said outfit.
I went out on a limb by using this corset since I still feel a bit chubby, and if you're going to use any type of shiny material, such as PVC, then I advice your silluette to be perfect, otherwise you might realise that the shine of your clothing is reflecting an exaggerated image of you.
and you don't want to fight your wardrobe.
the pairing of the Satyricon t-shirt with the lace on the inside was not a very happy one when the light hits them... but I must say for a night out these two little pieces went perfect like toast and tea.
not a flattering photo by all means... but you get the gist of it.
we had a very amazing, metal filled night.
I'll leave you with some precious captions of Valhalla...
*Me & my Dearest*
a couple that headbangs together, stays together...!
*Me & my Sweetest sister, Suspy*
our sexy photographer was very tipsy by now, so all photos were a bit on the funny side.
gosh darn it, I love that girl.
*my friend played the Misty Mountains Cold*
we destroyed that place... we basically stormed that night club and owned the dance floor.
not to just say that it was a friend of ours that was the dj for the night. and we even made a couple of new friends, so the All Father Odin was more than benevolent to have graced us with such an amazing night.
see you soon!

Monday, 21 January 2013

Furry Corpsie

yesterday I had a present expecting me on my email inbox..!
my beautiful lover has given me a present; my own Furry.

 *to get a commission done from my boyfriend please go to:*
we talked about it, and he finally found time to do mine.
he does this type of work and much more elaborated scenarios as commissioned by his clients.
and I can tell you, that he does everything you can come up with.

my cute little alter ego has elements of an arctic fox, an okapi and some goat/deer type animals.
so here's some inspiration:

the Okapi

 "The name "okapi" is a portmanteau of two Lese words, oka, a verb meaning to cut and kpi, a noun referring to the design made on Efé arrows by wrapping the arrow with bark so as to leave stripes when scorched by fire. The stripes on the legs of the okapi resemble these stripes on the arrow shafts. Lese legend says the okapi decorates itself with these stripes, adding to the okapi's great camouflage."
- Wikipedia

the Arctic fox

 "The arctic fox has a circumpolar range, meaning that it is found throughout the entire Arctic, including the outer edges of Greenland, Russia, Canada, Alaska, and Svalbard, as well as in Subarctic and alpine areas, such as Iceland and mainland alpine Scandinavia. The conservation status of the species is good, except for the Scandinavian mainland population. It is acutely endangered there, despite decades of legal protection from hunting and persecution. The total population estimate in all of Norway, Sweden and Finland is a mere 120 adult individuals."

the deer alike

"The word "deer" was originally broad in meaning, but became more specific over time. In Middle English der (Old English dēor) meant a wild animal of any kind. This was as opposed to cattle, which then meant any sort of domestic livestock that was easy to collect and remove from the land, from the idea of personal-property ownership (rather than real estate property) and related to modern chattel (property) and capital.[1] Cognates of Old English dēor in other dead Germanic languages have the general sense of "animal", such as Old High German tior, Old Norse djur or dȳr, Gothic dius, Old Saxon dier, and Old Frisian diar."
gorgeous animals, mixed with fantastical imagination... it can only go right. <3

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Zakahia - the Final results!

no... it's not the "making of" yet...
that will possibly be up on youtube next week, for now I will leave you with a few photos from the received package from amazing photographer, Zak!

these are copyrighted images, belonging only to me (model) and the photographer Zakahia,
 so please do not steal them!
ask permission if you'd like to share them.
thank you...!

 I promise as soon as possible I will have the "making of" video of this session up on youtube, and I'll let you all know when. possibly next week, so... I'm excited.

Scrapbooks to be witty & hairclips to be pretty

don't you just love those little words together?
I used to be a very frustrated being, due to my inertia when I entered in procrastination. but currently I have discovered that there is indeed an active lady inside of me. this became a "thing" in a few months time... now, I can only try and hold myself back from trying to do things.
 (usually I'd want to do the most when I'm super busy, but now I am able to space out events and things)

there is no affiliation with the brands Living Dead Souls and Restyle.
my DIY work with their images is for personal use only.

 *Why, isn't that Toxic Boy...?*

I just looked at all the stuff I have a tendency to accumulate more easily (mainly flyers, magazines, pieces of papers that hold cutlery at a food place...) and I decided that my room needed yet another makeover.
 so all the little things glued to the walls and door need to go - to another place! - and I've been wanting to do a few scrapbooks in a long, long time.

*my Favorite one*

I'm just using little bits and bobs of stuff I've hoarded throughout the years...!
I even had the materials to produce these cute hair-clips, with ever watchful eyes, looking to every corner, protecting my little noggin. heehee 

"Top Dollar: Eyes see. One of the most important things I learned from my sister.
Gideon: Sister? She's supposed to be your sister?
Top Dollar: My father's daughter. That's right. What's the matter, you don't see the resemblance?"
- The Crow

my beautiful Pendulum was slightly altered to be used as a necklace, but it can still be used to talk to those curious little spirits...!
practicality means the world for this girl!

*the Price of Creation*

expect much more DIY stuff!
my busy hands love to give work to my already busy brain!

oh, by the way, I got the photos from the last shoot I made a post about. 
the making of and the photos will soon be up on my youtube channel!

cheers <3


Thursday, 17 January 2013

the Folly times Came...

before the photoshoot I had to grievously watch what I was eating.
but after the photoshoot...?


 *It's Munchies Time!!*

my lover took me to an amazing restaurant with several styles of Asian foods.
and this was only the Japanese area.
the place was incredible, really. it had a very real oriental feel to it, super calm and with the perfect marriage of the old Asia and modern decoration styles.
one of my favorite details was that the waiters and cooks were all in costume, I'm so sad I completely spaced out on taking a picture with them...

it certainly had a steady clientele, and mostly you could see were business men and women. and as every properly mentally developed person, they did not give us one single look of disdain.
and believe me... in my country that is seldom. 

I swear to you I ate so much my stomach engorged out of my ribs and I felt the happiness and glow of a pregnant woman...!
except I was pregnant with Asian food.

*Yummy things make my Belly smile* 

yes, and ice cream.
and wine too, actually.

what happened next?

this happened.
all over my body.
35 minutes of the hardest workout of my life.

and if you ask me if it was worth it, I'll have to say: Yes!
I had an amazing, romantic time with the person I love the most in my life, in this gorgeous restaurant with Asian mouthwatering delicacies.

I think I've come to the conclusion that you can really have your cake and eat it too.

you just have to workout after it.

see ya soon my dearies!

OOTD & MAKEUP - folly times coming!

*I feel Happy 'cause I'm in Love*

I felt very sad when I was about to put on some pretty eyelashes to go with this sweet look, when I realized I was out of lash glue... my heart sunk.
I almost never use false lashes on account of mine being of a decent length, but sometimes you really want your eyes to pop and the lashes are a great accessory for that.
the lips don't show much in this photo, but I went with a pastel, old pink as an homage to a 90's TV series called "Popular". I've been watching it with my love and it's a trip down memory lane, but also a huge source of inspiration.

 *Skeleton hands clips - Claire's / Transparent top with polka-dots - Stradivarius / Leather Jacket - gift from grampa / Skinny Jeans - (H&M) gift from Boyfriend / Faux Uggs - dollar store*

 forgive the weird angle, my boyfriend is still learning!

Love you dearest!

 I definitely went a bit on a danger area with the faux Uggs, seeing that no one with a full figure and/or short height should be using any of these type of shoes, but it worked in the end.
I just had to pair it with some good skinny jeans.
it shortens my height and gives me more weight, no doubt about it, but I believe I can dodge looking like a salami... 
the coat was not the best choice for this outfit... I was in the impression that it would give me structure, but alas, my shorter leather coat would've let the silhouette show.
this one is too boxy if you're going to use Uggs, once again I shortened myself.

a word of advise:
if you fall under the category expressed above, please, do not wear Uggs boots with two color striped pants or leggings.
I've tried it and it looks horrid, but if you had a positive experience, share!

much love my pretties!

thank you to all the new subscribers on my youtube channel
you guys are swetties.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Zakahia Photoshoot - first steps

I met one of the most interesting photographers in Portugal; known by the name of Zakahia in her work but Zak for her friends.
I am truly excited with the flowers of our business relationship blooming.

we already have a next project to work on.
and as nervous as I am to do my part as a model the best I could, she really saw something in me she loved and thankfully I'll be having more work with this brilliant mind of artistic photography.
  *My Tongue in Its Second Nature*

a little note on the subject:
this post will not contain the finished photos.
 (on the exception of the photo above, taken for a side project of Zak's, more on that later)
 but it will contain instead a little view behind the stage of doing a photoshoot, through the eyes of a model.

 nothing makes me more humble of my makeup knowledge when there's a professional closing in on me with one hand full of assorted brushes and sponges, and the other with so many different shades of the same color that you actually start thinking you're seeing double...

see what I mean...?
now, I confess I'm not very good in mixing colors, so it was actually very interesting to see the amount of colors she used on me and how little it appears on my camera.

*Do I look Sexy yet...?*

forgive my stare but we were really concentrated on our work.
Zak was concentrating on doing the makeup and I was calming myself for the big show and remembering my homework for this shoot.
oh yes my dears, in a shoot with a good photographer he will explain the concept to you and expect you to perform based on that.

Zak's shoot not only had a concept but it had even a story with depth as well.

 *Diamonds for Eyebrows, a true UCG*

as a novice in the modelling world, it was kind of a challenge to embody this other superior being and convey the sentiments she wanted for her creation.
I never thought I'd say this but...

I finally understand what Tyra Banks talks about in her show "America's next Top Model".
not that I'm comparing myself, of course.
but it is true when a photo is just pretty and when it is full of feeling and the model's eyes lock your attention.

*My gorgeous Talons, I didn't want to take them off!*
I always like to take a "cast" photo, but Zak does not appear in photos.
she firmly believes in her work to be known for itself, and not for her networking or promoting her face.
I still think she would make a beautiful model...

*one of the Thousand attempts for the Tongue photo*

you know what I have to say about all of this?
the important thing is that you love yourself and feel content with the place you're in.
it took me a very long while to feel the confidence to do something like modelling...
and let me tell you,
I have never regretted it.

I will never let fear stand in the way of my life again.
I know I can do certain things I put myself up to. it's true that somethings may take more effort and stamina, but gosh darn it, I will never stop doing it until I feel content with I have achieved.
and knowing me as I do, I will always continue.
up and away!

*Insert Goofy's laughter*

expect a "making of" video of this 7 hour production, with photos and footage. 
meanwhile you can check out my ModelMayhem account where I have a sample of my work.
just look to your right column.

much more to come,
see ya soon my darlings!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

No mirror Makeup Challenge -- oh my...

*Peek-a-Boo I see You*

this was an odyssey for sure.
I talk about a number of silly things (true to my form, of course) all amusingly wrapped up with pretty makeup poorly done. let us hope my "holy hell" face at the end will be able to do the trick.

I hope you enjoy watching this movie as much as I enjoyed making it.
have fun <3

Remember the year Past...

It is now a quarter past 6 a.m. and my sleepy eyes are having trouble keeping closed.
so what did I decide? 
to take a trip down memory lane with this past year...
 and try and find some resolutions for this brand new year. we all know new year's resolutions are usually made before the end of the year, but what's important is that it comes at a right time for you.
in no particular order:
let us take a peek at 2012...!

*Skav, Pookie and Me at our University campus*

2012 was my second semester of my first year of university. I felt I was finally doing something very productive and it really opened doors for other wonderful aspects of life like having new experiences and making friends, as you can see!
these two made me laugh throughout the year, still missing some very important people here...

*Me, Suspy and Anna at Piccadilly Circus *
crossed a wish on my bucket list: visit England!
while I was there I did much "bed hopping" on my girlfriends' houses. first at my suspy uncle's house in Kingston, then in London with Suspy's friend Anna, after that in Peterborough at my friend Maria's boyfriend shared house, then back to Kingston.
I had the enhanced opportunity to visit England with people that were or lived there, therefore I'm quite secure of myself that I saw a few things for someone that was just there for 11 days...

   *Mother's idea of Gothic Cakes, still Adorable*

Turned 24... feels more like 104.
still, it was a nice age. which I am almost about to lose. 
I thought I had 6 months to go. what happened is that this count was from 3 months ago...

 *They're going to rip my face off, I know it*

Went to the Lisbon Zoo for the second time in my life since my childhood, it was a joyous day, I assure you. my dear suspy accompanied me, as she could no longer listen to my incessant rants on wanting to see a real life Okapi. my most adored animal in the African wild.
sadly because it was very early in the year the okapis had to be kept inside, which sort of defeated the whole purpose of going but I had a tremendous time!
by the way, this was a real conversation between the guy doing the bird show and me:
 bird guy: "do you guys know how to tell the difference between a girl bird and a boy bird?"
me: "THE COCK??"
bird guy: "errr... no. the bicks."
there were children present. yet another proud moment for Corpsie...

      *hmmm... wine from a Box never tasted So good*

Had my very first experience eating in a clandestine Chinese restaurant. this place seemed all the rage by the way people were talking about it, but it proved to be quite mediocre to be honest.
the "creme de la creme" was the dish we ordered: chicken chop-suey with vegetables and almonds.
they gave us peanuts and peppers.
we stared at each other with an incomprehensible look on our eyes, holding these plastic cups, surrounded by hipsters with a "bad attitude" because they are so "edgy"  breaking the law with forks.
it was worth it just for the laugh of it.

*oh mee gosh... I looked so chubby. must do a before and after post!*

Visited the birthplace of Portugal; Guimarães.
I went with my dearest love, Skav and two friends we made in the Vagos Open Air metal festival. we actually went there not also to see the sights and breathtaking views (as you can see) but also to see other friends we made at that same festival. with was and amazing time and I feel so blessed to have met incredible people like these.

*First day of Vagos Open Air*

went to my second Vagos festival, it was even better than the first, and I'm not just talking about the amazing company I had, it was everything.
this festival will live on in my heart as long as I live.
no matter what, every year this will be a constant in my life, to see old friends and make news, to listen to the amazing bands and headbang the living lights out of my brain.
I love everyone there.

*Sashimi is Good for You*

was finally able to put a stop to my self indulgence and started exercising and started setting some income aside for nutrition appointments. when I arrived there I weighed close to 59kgs.
now I have 54kgs.
the best advise I can give to anyone wanting to lose weight is:
you MUST really want it. 

*started Dating my best friend of 9 months, Skav*

he was and still is my best boy friend.
I love him dearly, and although we sometimes head-bump often, we soon remember one another that the love is always there.
I love to love you Odin Love.
he likes it when I repeat one word incessantly.

*Davey Jones & Sweetpea's 1st litter* 

my beautiful guinea pigs had their first babies, and they came out perfect. all of them found loving houses through a very kind lady that owns a pet store (animal friendly, against puppy mills and that sort of nonsense). she gave me a huge bag of high end food as a token of her appreciation.

*Prom King & Queen and they're assassinated actress*
had an awful good time at a Halloween costume party, my beloved and I went as prom king and queen. I spent hours it seemed on the makeup.
turns out I was only very drunk.

and of course, hanging around with my dear friends...

these were the highlights I think.
I'll have to make a post on funny pictures just because I've been looking for them, so many memories one can easily forget when you're as brain damage as me.


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

La Bête

*Vanilla & Caramel tea with Skim milk and Whole bread with Turkey ham*

I feel I should be doing plenty of things for my channel...
but I always end up dealing with more pressing matters, which is no excuse, but still...
today as I took my breakfast by mere coincidence, one of my favorite movies started on the television.

"Le Pacte des Loups"
granted, I have never been an avid fan of french movies but this one could convince even the most headstrong as I know I am.
Now, please... before you run off to download a word of advice:
download the french audio with English subtitles.
I've come to understand by a friend of mine with a major in French that the subtitles are very acceptable (actually I didn't stop bothering her to see it until she finally did it)
and you will have the pleasure to listen to the movie in the real audio.
don't get fooled, because it exist a very fine audio for this movie in English, although it is positively amazing (I've seen the movie in this manner as well) nothing compares to the real thing.

I've taken the liberty to find a French Trailer so you can have the feel of it.
I highly recommend this one.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Bark at the Moon

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion."

~Henry David Thoreau's "Life in the Woods"~

Last Friday night me and some of my friends climbed through rocks and trees.
we were missing the sound of wind between hundreds of leafs, the small creatures of the night, walking about all around us... and the pure and perfect darkness.
We were so deep in the mountains that not even the moonlight could peek through the dense, ominous trees.

Once again I fell in love with the night.

the entire night was an exercise of love amongst the scary dark clothed.
we bonded deeply and strengthened our friendship and made new ones. 
 we had a small fire going and roasted some Portuguese delicacies: "Chouriço". 

I can honestly say I know many people worth knowing.
and to be able to say that shows me just what a lucky lady I am.

*My Dearest, Suspy & Me*

but... we wouldn't be metalheads if we did not act a bit, well, crazy.
after all, we descend from vikings.

So I leave you with some random mischievousness. 

much love <3