Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Remember the year Past...

It is now a quarter past 6 a.m. and my sleepy eyes are having trouble keeping closed.
so what did I decide? 
to take a trip down memory lane with this past year...
 and try and find some resolutions for this brand new year. we all know new year's resolutions are usually made before the end of the year, but what's important is that it comes at a right time for you.
in no particular order:
let us take a peek at 2012...!

*Skav, Pookie and Me at our University campus*

2012 was my second semester of my first year of university. I felt I was finally doing something very productive and it really opened doors for other wonderful aspects of life like having new experiences and making friends, as you can see!
these two made me laugh throughout the year, still missing some very important people here...

*Me, Suspy and Anna at Piccadilly Circus *
crossed a wish on my bucket list: visit England!
while I was there I did much "bed hopping" on my girlfriends' houses. first at my suspy uncle's house in Kingston, then in London with Suspy's friend Anna, after that in Peterborough at my friend Maria's boyfriend shared house, then back to Kingston.
I had the enhanced opportunity to visit England with people that were or lived there, therefore I'm quite secure of myself that I saw a few things for someone that was just there for 11 days...

   *Mother's idea of Gothic Cakes, still Adorable*

Turned 24... feels more like 104.
still, it was a nice age. which I am almost about to lose. 
I thought I had 6 months to go. what happened is that this count was from 3 months ago...

 *They're going to rip my face off, I know it*

Went to the Lisbon Zoo for the second time in my life since my childhood, it was a joyous day, I assure you. my dear suspy accompanied me, as she could no longer listen to my incessant rants on wanting to see a real life Okapi. my most adored animal in the African wild.
sadly because it was very early in the year the okapis had to be kept inside, which sort of defeated the whole purpose of going but I had a tremendous time!
by the way, this was a real conversation between the guy doing the bird show and me:
 bird guy: "do you guys know how to tell the difference between a girl bird and a boy bird?"
me: "THE COCK??"
bird guy: "errr... no. the bicks."
there were children present. yet another proud moment for Corpsie...

      *hmmm... wine from a Box never tasted So good*

Had my very first experience eating in a clandestine Chinese restaurant. this place seemed all the rage by the way people were talking about it, but it proved to be quite mediocre to be honest.
the "creme de la creme" was the dish we ordered: chicken chop-suey with vegetables and almonds.
they gave us peanuts and peppers.
we stared at each other with an incomprehensible look on our eyes, holding these plastic cups, surrounded by hipsters with a "bad attitude" because they are so "edgy"  breaking the law with forks.
it was worth it just for the laugh of it.

*oh mee gosh... I looked so chubby. must do a before and after post!*

Visited the birthplace of Portugal; Guimarães.
I went with my dearest love, Skav and two friends we made in the Vagos Open Air metal festival. we actually went there not also to see the sights and breathtaking views (as you can see) but also to see other friends we made at that same festival. with was and amazing time and I feel so blessed to have met incredible people like these.

*First day of Vagos Open Air*

went to my second Vagos festival, it was even better than the first, and I'm not just talking about the amazing company I had, it was everything.
this festival will live on in my heart as long as I live.
no matter what, every year this will be a constant in my life, to see old friends and make news, to listen to the amazing bands and headbang the living lights out of my brain.
I love everyone there.

*Sashimi is Good for You*

was finally able to put a stop to my self indulgence and started exercising and started setting some income aside for nutrition appointments. when I arrived there I weighed close to 59kgs.
now I have 54kgs.
the best advise I can give to anyone wanting to lose weight is:
you MUST really want it. 

*started Dating my best friend of 9 months, Skav*

he was and still is my best boy friend.
I love him dearly, and although we sometimes head-bump often, we soon remember one another that the love is always there.
I love to love you Odin Love.
he likes it when I repeat one word incessantly.

*Davey Jones & Sweetpea's 1st litter* 

my beautiful guinea pigs had their first babies, and they came out perfect. all of them found loving houses through a very kind lady that owns a pet store (animal friendly, against puppy mills and that sort of nonsense). she gave me a huge bag of high end food as a token of her appreciation.

*Prom King & Queen and they're assassinated actress*
had an awful good time at a Halloween costume party, my beloved and I went as prom king and queen. I spent hours it seemed on the makeup.
turns out I was only very drunk.

and of course, hanging around with my dear friends...

these were the highlights I think.
I'll have to make a post on funny pictures just because I've been looking for them, so many memories one can easily forget when you're as brain damage as me.



  1. Babe, I FREAKING LOVED THIS POST! It was great to take a walk down memory lane and remember some of the sweet, sweet moments we shared this year. I´m ever so happy that you are a part of my life, my sweet sister. Together, always.

    ALSO, I HAD NEVER SEEN THAT PICCIE OF THE BDAY CAKE YOU MOTHER BAKED YOU! ITS SO CUTE! And that pic of you and David, is fucking lovely and should be framed. And remember, at the zoo. How can you distinguish a male parrot from a female? BY THE COCK! AHAHA The first pic is also hilarious, love the too rude sign!

    LY *****

    1. oh my dearest! yes it was a fun year indeed, too bad I didn't photograph more outings. but oh well, I got a new camera with the money I was saving for a hair colour change. I'm going to edit that pick with the parrots asap <3
