Sunday, 20 January 2013

Scrapbooks to be witty & hairclips to be pretty

don't you just love those little words together?
I used to be a very frustrated being, due to my inertia when I entered in procrastination. but currently I have discovered that there is indeed an active lady inside of me. this became a "thing" in a few months time... now, I can only try and hold myself back from trying to do things.
 (usually I'd want to do the most when I'm super busy, but now I am able to space out events and things)

there is no affiliation with the brands Living Dead Souls and Restyle.
my DIY work with their images is for personal use only.

 *Why, isn't that Toxic Boy...?*

I just looked at all the stuff I have a tendency to accumulate more easily (mainly flyers, magazines, pieces of papers that hold cutlery at a food place...) and I decided that my room needed yet another makeover.
 so all the little things glued to the walls and door need to go - to another place! - and I've been wanting to do a few scrapbooks in a long, long time.

*my Favorite one*

I'm just using little bits and bobs of stuff I've hoarded throughout the years...!
I even had the materials to produce these cute hair-clips, with ever watchful eyes, looking to every corner, protecting my little noggin. heehee 

"Top Dollar: Eyes see. One of the most important things I learned from my sister.
Gideon: Sister? She's supposed to be your sister?
Top Dollar: My father's daughter. That's right. What's the matter, you don't see the resemblance?"
- The Crow

my beautiful Pendulum was slightly altered to be used as a necklace, but it can still be used to talk to those curious little spirits...!
practicality means the world for this girl!

*the Price of Creation*

expect much more DIY stuff!
my busy hands love to give work to my already busy brain!

oh, by the way, I got the photos from the last shoot I made a post about. 
the making of and the photos will soon be up on my youtube channel!

cheers <3


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