Wednesday, 27 March 2013

my Patience is thin... like my Stomach. Ah!

new video my precious!
it is a parody.

(BTW the video description clearly states that I had eaten my protein [white meat] before hand)

so, please spare me the comments on eating disorders because it's getting really old really fast.
so I don't like to be flabby, sue me.
now, it's supposed to be funny... sometimes we have to compromise a little in our life if we want to achieve certain goals, and this is me satirizing the fact that, yes, salad sometimes is a bitch to eat. 

I wish I could eat mac and cheese every day. really.
but I can't. I have to compromise that so I can feel good about my body.
and seriously, it's much easier to run up a flight of stairs!!

now, please... before you say I hate "fat" you should know that it is my firm believe that you should strive to feel good about yourself, and if a voluptuous figure is what makes you content, then my friend, you don't need to compromise a thing, because you are already the person you want to be!

and in the end, it is a matter of you being happy and loving yourself.

but if not... don't just stand in front of the screen looking at this, getting too offended, and munching down a whole bag of chips, while complaining about your weight.

personally, that is the worst for me.

so, without further a due...
the video!!

I hope everyone likes it and don't take it neither seriously or personally.
but you guys are cool, right?

aaah! I thought so...

see ya soon, I have a lovely post about a super romantic dinner, 
stay tuned!

Monday, 18 March 2013

special Thanks and special Books

oh my... 
I really need to make a new video for my youtube channel.
to all the new subscribers I'd like to give a BIG thank you, for the kind words and happy thoughts, you guys know I'm always here to give you an answer for your questions (it might take a while, but I'll do it) and be sure that more videos are coming!

and now... books!

 *I know, my face shows my tiredness...*

"Ritos e Mistérios Secretos do Wicca" it's a book that shows the wicca neo pagan religion in an historical and anthropological view, with an introduction to the rites, philosophy and such. it's a very interesting book actually.

*I think this one is self explanatory heehee*

my boyfriend is a very intellectual man trapped in the body of a drunkard.
just kidding!

we just love booze and books.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Back on the Wagon

my first thought while entering again to this state of mind was:

f***k yeah... hurray...
but the figure does not spare us in the cold silvery reflection of a mirror.
so, here we go again... protein, fiber and so much exercise...

let's hope to one day be like this:

hehehehe... just kidding!
I just like to be healthy! yay!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

this Pains me so Sweetly

my life.
my food.

have you ever realised that the most happy moments of your life were spent in front of a plate...?
in hidden, small restaurants with dim lights and exotic aromas flowing and dancing from every food platter, grabbing to the walls, and mixing into a characteristic odor aged by years and years on those very walls.

my life.

the anticipation rising, with bubbly laughter inside, excited with the gift of foresight;
tall and slender glasses cradling deep purple and ruby red of the best wine your money can buy, the shared happiness between the couples sitting in corner tables, and you upon entering, almost as if it was an acknowledgment from a fellow club member, ready to join the delights of food loving nights.

my food.

the sweet, almost pillow talk, soft conversations while waiting for the starters, and hearing the bottle pop and drip the smell of oak bark and berries, sipping romantically, almost flirty like, the wine chosen by it's loved name, as a child expected. the surprised aww's when the starters come and the sheer delight of that first inhalation. the silvery fork introducing a brew of tastes and combinations of flavors.

my life.

the loud laughter that eludes our bewildered mouth, and escapes trough the fingers, bracing our blushed face. the shine on your partners eyes, partaking in your brief loss of composure, while every bite of creamy, deliciousness piece of heaven called food dances inside your mouth.
near the end... we are filled with the most virginal glow of happiness and contentment...
...and ready to face the world once again...

my food.
my life.
~Sara Corpsie


 I am medicating myself with food.

sometimes I can stop myself... other times I can't.
I gained about 2kg during the last month and I can see I'll have to take extreme measures to end this binging trip. the answer is simple:

have some self control.
