Wednesday, 27 March 2013

my Patience is thin... like my Stomach. Ah!

new video my precious!
it is a parody.

(BTW the video description clearly states that I had eaten my protein [white meat] before hand)

so, please spare me the comments on eating disorders because it's getting really old really fast.
so I don't like to be flabby, sue me.
now, it's supposed to be funny... sometimes we have to compromise a little in our life if we want to achieve certain goals, and this is me satirizing the fact that, yes, salad sometimes is a bitch to eat. 

I wish I could eat mac and cheese every day. really.
but I can't. I have to compromise that so I can feel good about my body.
and seriously, it's much easier to run up a flight of stairs!!

now, please... before you say I hate "fat" you should know that it is my firm believe that you should strive to feel good about yourself, and if a voluptuous figure is what makes you content, then my friend, you don't need to compromise a thing, because you are already the person you want to be!

and in the end, it is a matter of you being happy and loving yourself.

but if not... don't just stand in front of the screen looking at this, getting too offended, and munching down a whole bag of chips, while complaining about your weight.

personally, that is the worst for me.

so, without further a due...
the video!!

I hope everyone likes it and don't take it neither seriously or personally.
but you guys are cool, right?

aaah! I thought so...

see ya soon, I have a lovely post about a super romantic dinner, 
stay tuned!

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