Thursday, 7 February 2013

It was a Molar most Foul...!

I haven't been feeling my best these last three weeks, well, my body at least. I had to go under the knife due to this pesky molar that insisted on growing beneath my jaw bone.
it's as creepy as it sounds.
my mouth is too small to accommodate all of my adult teeth, so my third molars are growing half outside and half under the jaw bone. because of this I had to have a "small" surgery to drill off a bit of jaw bone so that the dentist could get to the tooth to remove it.

 *the Afflicted appendix*

I experienced horrid pain afterwards, and the recovery time was prolonged due to the combined stupidity of some people (which shall remain unnamed) that confused my medication.
instead of taking antibiotics with anti inflammatory medicine, I was actually just on antibiotics and pain killers.
so the swelling became monumental as you may have figured by now...
the pain, non stopping, ever lasting, almost drove me to madness.

now... after three weeks, I can say I can do almost everything normally.
but I still feel some pain. it's bearable but it is still there.

*I call bloody murder on this one...*

in the spirit of trying to get back to my every day life, step by step, I went out a did a little bit of shopping and got a pair of sweet fluffy slippers and this kitchen timer.

I call it the Evil Kitty.

now, time for updates:
*I also got a whole batch of stuff for my gel nails obsession, but I will do a proper post on that when I'm feeling better, it could be tomorrow or after that... let's take it slow.

*I have a KIKO makeup haul to do here and I'm considering in doing a video for that as well, but as I said I need a bit of time.

*I'm going to do a post on my Christmas presents and my personal purchases (I know, it's February but won't you love to know anyway?) 

*the making of video of the Zakahia photoshoot is finally done and it will be up this weekend, on Friday if we get lucky!

*I am about to start a new segment on this blog and on my Youtube channel called:
 "Black to Blonde: The Diaries"
where I talk about my personal journey to take out the black dye in my hair in a safe, wise way, and the transitions of the color pallet to a platinum blonde. I will also include all the information needed to do this in a SAFE way for your hair.

*for the Youtube channel and as always, also here, expect more Shoe Unboxing and reviews.

and I guess this is all for now...
gosh, you get sick and suddenly you get your schedule jammed.
  please bear with me and have some patience, 

the Evil Kitty will get you.
and boy, is he evil.


1 comment:

  1. Não te esqueças de responder ao mail que a tua fake-sister te mandou, péssima :P

    Hope you are feeling better babes, I wanna know all about this!
