Hi guys!
welcome to my blog. ;)
after much consideration, I thought that only good things could come from starting a blog to delve into matters I sometimes address on my youtube channel in a more in depth manner, and to actually have a place for lighthearted discussions, rants, funny business, and whatever more you can think of. you can expect posts from the most different topics, from oddities and fashion, to vlogs and work stuff, and even little much-to-do-about-nothing posts. because... we're here to share things and make friends, right?
this first post will be a tad on the low key, but just to start things on the right foot, here's a pic:
this is my very first appearance for a party flyer, and how funny that is since this is also my first entry. I think it came out pretty well. if you're in Lisbon or around that area be sure to check out this party. it's a bit exclusive but I actually took this picture in the bar where the party is going to happen and I must say... the place sure looks amazing.
I guess I could go on telling you guys about me, but I thought it would be much more fun if you get to know me in each passing entry. ;)
this is my only real blog, and the other real accounts I possess are:
youtube account and modelmayhem account; which you can find the address here.
I also have a livejournal account and a facebook account, but I rarely let anyone in those due to being of a very personal nature.
So, this place will act as a bridge between the public Corpsie and the personal one.
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