Sunday 27 September 2015


this blog is no longer alive for the moment.
i dont think i want to share anymore of my life.
thank you all for the good moments.

Monday 16 February 2015

god morgen vennen minn!

I'm not dead yet.
just really busy.

happy Halloween...

and Happy Holidays!

I'm super late, I'm aware of that and not one bit ashamed!
it's not all roses starting a new life somewhere else... but it helps if you wake up to this:

*for more info on this amazing photo:*

it's been a challenge... and I've been living it and loving it! well, most of the times (!!)
life can have so many adventures just in the simplest things like living abroad... and I intend to suck all the marrow of it!<3
 pardon my Henry thoreau-ing the place.  

more news to come,
and as always,
