Monday, 28 July 2014

farewell (just for now) Party!

hello my pretties!

last week me and Skav threw a little soireé for some of our friends just to say bye bye for now.
we had a real lifestyle gipsy dinner party (even tho neither of us are gipsies, we just like grilled food).

it was like a barbecue party with the exception that we made no real effort to look good.

well, Sakv and me at least!
we just wanted to feel confortable and drink and eat as much as possible (and not have to worry about having our good clothes smell like burned wood and salad dressing).

*talking about the LoTR always gets me and Jorge going...!*

we love to have relaxed meals where the most important thing is the amazing company of friends and the food hehe.
actually this dinner party was much more easy on me since it was the men who cooked the main dishes! they made the fire and grilled the pounds upon pounds of meat we had, just like god intented them to do!

(p.s - god is not real)
but you know what is? this:

awesome times.
it's amazing what we can achieve when we finally realise that true happiness is inside of you.
no need to put your hope in some "superior" being that - let's be blunt about this - is a real asshole with an immense power trip. it's quite funny how much this "god" reflects the male dominant society in which he happenned to "let himself be known".
he never helped me.
real people who love me helped me.

my Licas, the girl with the most amazing hair I've ever seen.
and now she has kindly donated some of her hair to...

Arnold Schwarzenegger!
don't worry, she still has plenty for her and to go around.

*Arnold Licas*

*Nádia with Arnold Skav and Licas*

David and Cotrim playing darts, David his laughing looking down because of this:

his lovely life mate Raquel is expecting a gorgeous baby!
so we spent a lot of time talking baby stuff, I'm really curious (but not right now!!) to know more about how a woman feels.
I just gave a few massages because I think she is the most beautiful thing on earth:
a mommy to be.

well, I'm out of here!
see you soon!

Friday, 25 July 2014

summer Rain and conversations

good day precious!

I'm sorry for not being posting as much... but you guessed it:
I've been on vacations enjoying life on the outside and everytime I'm at home it usually means that I'm either getting in bed or coming out of it.

and then there's the lazy days, but those don't count, so...


I can officially say that I'm a Graduate!

*my most difficult shoot ever, no kidding*

as I happily suspected, I did pass my English Linguistics test and have been partying ever since because I know I'll never have this "easy life" again.
when I was younger I was thrown into a very adult lifestyle filled with responsabilities, and it scared me shitless (I was 15 c'mon) so my coming back to studies and the possibility to have a "normal" teenage life for me at the age of 18 was a real blessing.

I'm really grateful that I had that chance while in University.

but now, I'm too old for this crap lol, I feel the need to build a nest with the person I love.

but yes, you will still see me at METAL concerts, festivals, night outs, because I know if I take care I can have my cake and eat it too!

there will be much less cake, but still...

*the photos of my lips will be featured in a book from my sexy Zakahia*

so, now comes the hard part of it all...
saying goodbye to our friends.

but it's not really goodbye, we already have a friend couple of ours that is already planning going to Norge next year to see us and hit some metal concerts, true Norwegian Style!
and we've invited many of our friends to stay with us whenever they can, and me and Skav will come to Portugal now and then to visit our family, so we'll see our friends and have huge parties!

distance doesn't matter when you have good friends.

and speaking of good friends, we just said goodbye to my English Linguistics tutor, we began with a professional relationship, but with time we found out that we really liked a lot a stuff and every time we had tutorings we would make more and more cigarrete breaks so we could talk about stuff other than what we were supposed to lol.

*my Tutor, Càtia and her better half, David*

but never once she negleted my study and I tried my best to be a good student and take the most advantage from her amazing Linguistics brain!

she said I was her best tutoring student, always on time, with questions formulated in advance and exercices done!

*that will do pig, that will do*

we also have some idea of traveling together once me and Skav get our Norwegian life straight!

we still have some people to say goodbye to, so expect more photos, I'll try not to stay away so long again, but this time was crucial for me.
I'm taking out all the teenager in me before I get to Norge!

*Skav and me*

oh yes, remember?
we're going on the 7th!

one day short of two weeks!

I can't wait!!
