Monday, 28 July 2014

farewell (just for now) Party!

hello my pretties!

last week me and Skav threw a little soireé for some of our friends just to say bye bye for now.
we had a real lifestyle gipsy dinner party (even tho neither of us are gipsies, we just like grilled food).

it was like a barbecue party with the exception that we made no real effort to look good.

well, Sakv and me at least!
we just wanted to feel confortable and drink and eat as much as possible (and not have to worry about having our good clothes smell like burned wood and salad dressing).

*talking about the LoTR always gets me and Jorge going...!*

we love to have relaxed meals where the most important thing is the amazing company of friends and the food hehe.
actually this dinner party was much more easy on me since it was the men who cooked the main dishes! they made the fire and grilled the pounds upon pounds of meat we had, just like god intented them to do!

(p.s - god is not real)
but you know what is? this:

awesome times.
it's amazing what we can achieve when we finally realise that true happiness is inside of you.
no need to put your hope in some "superior" being that - let's be blunt about this - is a real asshole with an immense power trip. it's quite funny how much this "god" reflects the male dominant society in which he happenned to "let himself be known".
he never helped me.
real people who love me helped me.

my Licas, the girl with the most amazing hair I've ever seen.
and now she has kindly donated some of her hair to...

Arnold Schwarzenegger!
don't worry, she still has plenty for her and to go around.

*Arnold Licas*

*Nádia with Arnold Skav and Licas*

David and Cotrim playing darts, David his laughing looking down because of this:

his lovely life mate Raquel is expecting a gorgeous baby!
so we spent a lot of time talking baby stuff, I'm really curious (but not right now!!) to know more about how a woman feels.
I just gave a few massages because I think she is the most beautiful thing on earth:
a mommy to be.

well, I'm out of here!
see you soon!

Friday, 25 July 2014

summer Rain and conversations

good day precious!

I'm sorry for not being posting as much... but you guessed it:
I've been on vacations enjoying life on the outside and everytime I'm at home it usually means that I'm either getting in bed or coming out of it.

and then there's the lazy days, but those don't count, so...


I can officially say that I'm a Graduate!

*my most difficult shoot ever, no kidding*

as I happily suspected, I did pass my English Linguistics test and have been partying ever since because I know I'll never have this "easy life" again.
when I was younger I was thrown into a very adult lifestyle filled with responsabilities, and it scared me shitless (I was 15 c'mon) so my coming back to studies and the possibility to have a "normal" teenage life for me at the age of 18 was a real blessing.

I'm really grateful that I had that chance while in University.

but now, I'm too old for this crap lol, I feel the need to build a nest with the person I love.

but yes, you will still see me at METAL concerts, festivals, night outs, because I know if I take care I can have my cake and eat it too!

there will be much less cake, but still...

*the photos of my lips will be featured in a book from my sexy Zakahia*

so, now comes the hard part of it all...
saying goodbye to our friends.

but it's not really goodbye, we already have a friend couple of ours that is already planning going to Norge next year to see us and hit some metal concerts, true Norwegian Style!
and we've invited many of our friends to stay with us whenever they can, and me and Skav will come to Portugal now and then to visit our family, so we'll see our friends and have huge parties!

distance doesn't matter when you have good friends.

and speaking of good friends, we just said goodbye to my English Linguistics tutor, we began with a professional relationship, but with time we found out that we really liked a lot a stuff and every time we had tutorings we would make more and more cigarrete breaks so we could talk about stuff other than what we were supposed to lol.

*my Tutor, Càtia and her better half, David*

but never once she negleted my study and I tried my best to be a good student and take the most advantage from her amazing Linguistics brain!

she said I was her best tutoring student, always on time, with questions formulated in advance and exercices done!

*that will do pig, that will do*

we also have some idea of traveling together once me and Skav get our Norwegian life straight!

we still have some people to say goodbye to, so expect more photos, I'll try not to stay away so long again, but this time was crucial for me.
I'm taking out all the teenager in me before I get to Norge!

*Skav and me*

oh yes, remember?
we're going on the 7th!

one day short of two weeks!

I can't wait!!


Sunday, 8 June 2014

happy Name Day! Part 2

how long it's been since I promised this post?
too damn long that's what.

this was my second party just for dear friends!
my cute cake was baked by my little Swan, and Fabio and Skav did the finishing touches.
needless to say we all laughed at their lack of hability after a few drinks and whatnot.
my little Swan was so worried about the cake, she didn't stop saying that it didn't come out the way she wanted, but for me that was honestly the prettiest, most scrumptious cake in all the Land... because she did it thinking of me! <3

and everyone took second and third servings, so it was really that damn good!

here is the Portuguese Happy Birthday song:

and of course a special thanks to my friends:

*Skav, Sara Dartmoor, Fabio, Dri AKA little Swan*

thank you guys, you made my day (and night!)
hug u loads <3

such News from a Storm Crow

good day precious!

*pre-study hard photoshoot*
I have a few important news...
I ACED my English Linguistics test!!

I spent the past weeks studying like crazy and basically having no sleep because everytime I'd lay my pretty tired head on the pillow I would dream about morphemes, felxional, functional, lexical, tree representations of sentences, the direccionality of nucleous, subject void, and all of this while looking for test sheets that would never be on my table during the test...
it was like a nightmare test every night. and good grief, when I finally went to actually do it, there was a certainty in me that wasn't there before.
I just pushed aside all of my fears and trusted my knowledge of the subject and the 1000 man hours I had invested in learning said subject.

I'm yet to recieve the test, but I'm pretty sure of a delicious good grade coming my way...!


I've been putting off to tell you guys something but gosh golly, I can't hold it in any longer.

I was invited by my Professor of History of Western Youth Subcultures to participate in his ilustrious upcoming BOOK about said subcultures!!

I will be working from home, and afterwards, from Norway, but it's of no matter, because internet brings people closer hehe.

he was so kind as to promise me a copy of his book with my participation.

this is the first time I'll be published!
(well, not counting my modelling work on magazines...)

I feel so brainy *insert thick black glasses*

I've already started writting (in Portuguese because the book is going to be translated later to Spanish and English) and I'm to make an entire chapter about female metalheads. it's essencially a self-etnoghraphic study. I even invited my cute swan to be interviewed by me.
such fun!


oh yes... and another thing...
I have my plane tickets to Norway already booked!!

me and my sweet Skav in Norge!
oh, the joy!

we will be leaving on August 7th early in the morning.

I'm terrified of flying!! I only did it twice, flying to England and back, and that was quite enough. really, I have no idea why I'm such a scaredy cat when it comes to heights... but hey, no pain no gain, my whole life taught me that.

I have never been so happy in my entire life.
I can't stop myself from saying it every single time. everything and everyone in my life is so good, pure, and loveable. 

but you can only get there if you take a deep hard look at yourself and realise what's a miss in your life.
for me it was a journey of many, many years to get to this place of bliss.
but I think we can distill it into a few concepts:

"love thy self."

very, very hard to achieve... and it's a gradual discovery of how much you can become and evolve if you believe in yourself. once you become to love yourself more, you will no longer accept ill behavior from other people, or even supposed "friends". 
and you will no longer feel the need to engage in destructive or nocive actions for yourself.
 that's when you get to:

"respect thy self"

once your body gets a taste of how good "respect" feels, you will most definetly change quite a few things around your life, and that includes the emotional, phisical, pshycological, aspects as well as your way of reacting to the world and vice versa.

I no longer allow people to treat me as they please even though they hide behind the "friend" word.
if you do not respect me than you have no real feelings for me, therefore you are NO friend of mine.
and you shall be cut down without pitty.
I also take better care of myself because I know that I'm worth the bother, I deserve to feel good and look good - trust me, this can also be difficult in times of low self-esteem and depression - not just because people tell me so, but because for the first time ever, I believe it.
push yourself out of the dark hole, and dare to live.

Magick, Magick...

I can finally relax and resume my very interesting studies of spirituality and misticism.
from left to right:

The History of Witchcraft - by Montague Summers (Portuguese and English translations)
Ritos e Mistérios Secretos do Wicca (Rites and Secret Misteries of Wicca) - by Gilberto de Lascariz (only Portuguese translation available)
Les Mystéres de la Main, Révélés et expliqués (the Mysteries of the hand: revealed and explained) - by Adolphe Desbarrolles (translations in Portuguese and French)

as you may already know, I always try to discover the original title of the book, because if you guys are like me, when I see a book I'm interest in, it's very useful to have these informations if one wants to buy them.
also, I find it very important to read the books in it's original language so I've put that info in here as well.

all of these books talk about concepts that I'm more or less familiar with, but the last book on the right is about one form of divination that I was yet to put my hands on...! (no pun intended hehe)

Chiromancy, or aka palmistry/ palm reading.

it should count for a nice reading...
Bonnie: So does stuff like tonight happen to you a lot?
Sarah: No. Not like that.
Sarah: Other... stuff.
Rochelle: Where did you learn it?
Sarah: I don't know.
Bonnie: [Nods] A natural witch. 

- The Craft 1996 - who here didn't love this movie as a kid?

Sunday, 1 June 2014

a Walk in Lego Land! Part 1

hello there!

I'm currently getting ready to have my last 2 college exams and after that I'm a free woman!
but for now, I'm going to relax a bit by doing some much deserved posts!

*yes, this was the last time I actually dressed nice & did makeup*
I've been going to classes with tied up hair, no makeup and dressed in my gym clothes!
I have a terrible capacity to utilise my time the best way possible, so considering I've been *really* busy with college, you can imagine how everything else kinda got lost...
I haven't even been able to take care of my "diet" habits. but I guess I have to thank the person that makes impossible schedules for our classes. eliminating lunch time, or even a proper hour to have dinner!
eating sandwiches full of carbs and sauces takes a toll on you. and I can immedeately feel myself much more lethargic and... "plump" let's say.

it's almost over.


the week before I made my second birthday party just for friends, me and Skav decided on a whim to go and see the Lego exhibition that was just next to our college.

because we all know how Legos are, and in hopes of not boring you with a thousand similar pictures I'm just going to post the funniest ones.
we came to find that the people who build these models had quite an humour.

*a friend of ours was actually working there so he took our picture, thank you Ricky!*

on with the interesting Lego!

 *phantom castle*

*the dead gathering their lunch*

 *caption: I hate you*

I loved this chocolate lollipop.

*evil bat boy & Santa Claus*

*sexy mermaid, genie with a bottle & minotaur* 

*pissed off King Triton & displeased Scotish man*

*adorable badass Gimli from LOTR & vague Rocky figure...*

 *my plumpness meeting Woody from Toy Story*

*Skav cursing the car we don't have*

*garfield on a monday*

*extremely creepy guy with teeth the size of Trident gum*

*Miss Piggy*

 now this was an amazing achievement.
it's an exact replica of a Cathedral in Eastern Europe, Poland.

*so you get an idea of scale*

Skav also made a tiny video of the Cathedral:

laugh a bit while I realise my Russian accent which I believed had finally disappeared... it's as strong as ever.
also, trying to say "Cathedral" and failing at it. weirdly.

*Skav taking a bath*

me and Skav are always laughing about how much cool it would be to live away from the big cities and just buy a house with a bit of land.
of course we had to start with the redneck jokes, but hey, taking a bath outside must feel liberating, no?

*a tiny jousting happening in a tiny kingdom*

 *a day in the life of a Legolian*

I love it when Skav takes pictures because he has a good eye for photo composition.
and naturally he does, because he studied art for ages and he has a previous college degree on Art, Comic Books (I kidd you not) and more cool stuff (which honestly escapes me right now)...

*the Vikings are coming!*

*Assasin's Creed*

I'm going to cut this here because it's getting excrutiatingly long, and I have to get back to my English Linguistics, god bless the people who invented the theorics after the practice.


Sunday, 25 May 2014

Graduation Day! - through Hell and Fire

I finally have my Graduation Day pictures!

*on stage recieving the Diploma*

*my tiny self amongst fellow friends and classmates*

this was a day to remember.

I know that for some this is no big deal, but there's times you just have to say:
"you know what? you made a great effort, finnacially, personally, and you came out golden baby!"

that's my feeling.

these past 3 years were amazing.
I made friends for life, and promises of keeping in touch and visiting each other in each ones country!
I wore my Traje as an uniform of battle and I had the academic experience.
I met the love of my life, and my plans of moving to England alone...
... transformed beautifully into woody Norway with the metalhead of my dreams.

after so many years of pure hell in my life, a traumatic childhood, hellish teenage years... all which was robbed from me.

I crawled through pain and shattered dreams, with a strange force inside of me that will not let me give up.
I don't know what forces keep me going but...
I survived.
and now, I can peacefully look at my present life and say:

I've never been happier.

I feel hopeful to say... the hard part's over.


the Behemoth is Coming...!

hello my sexy readers!
all of you who are following me and even the many shy ones!

it's been crazy these last 2 months. I'm almost done with my college stuff (and thank Odin for that!!) and I've been studying like crazy for tests, papers, and the most Behemoth of my classes:

the dreaded English Linguistics.

*going to a VIP session of the new movie Godzilla*

the test that will close my fate is this week. but I really missed writting here.
I can't believe that 3 years of my life are about to be concluded...!
I had so many good laughs and happy moments, and yet terrible disapointments and sadness.
but as much as I kick and squirm about it, in the end I know life is just like that, and I'm living it.

and good grief, have I been living it.

I still have a video from my birthday party with my sweetest friends that I need to post on my Youtube and on here, and of course my...
Graduation Day!

I konw it's kinda weird, but in Portugal we have Graduation Day a couple weeks before we actually finish the academic year.
but I guess by this time you kinda already know if you're gonna pass and finish.

I have a 99,9% chance of doing so.

oh yeah, you may notice my rather pretty new hair!
yes, I was so fed up with the 2 YEARS of my life going slowly from jet black to nordic/platinum blonde that I needed to do something different!
so yeah, now I have a very pale light blonde on top and the rest of the hair is Stargazer's Violet.

more to come!

Monday, 5 May 2014

happy Name day! Part 1

this April I turned 26, and good grief I feel old!

me and Skav went out to dinner with my parents and we had an absolute blast!
I adore to eat at this restaurant, it's called Fondue and it carries many exotic meats that you usually don't see for sale anywhere.


now, don't go thinking that I'm eating bald eagle or something over here, this restaurant just sells meat that is more usual in other countries, for instance:
I love to eat crocodile. you know who else eats that meat on a more daily basis? certain states in America - in the South - eat this lovely meat deep fried or roasted.
or Zebra, another meat that may be difficult to some people to "swallow" - no disrespect intended - is getting more and more recognizable by being a healty meat, much like venison.

people just get weirded out because they forget that what they think is the norm - meaning, eating cows, chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs - is only the "norm" because that's what they grew up used to.

if you lived in the Bayou you would eat loads of crocodile and frog legs.
if you are a Norwegian, chances are you love to eat reindeer meat.
if you live in the center zone of my country then you love to eat boiled snails.

it just pisses me off when people act all high and mighty and don't even bother to check their facts.
don't like it, don't eat it, just don't bother me then.

*my birthday cake - bouquet!*

thanks mom and dad, I loved this day.

Part 2 is for the friends, so I'll see ya then!


ANICOMICS lisbon 2014 - happy days

hello there!

me and a couple of friends attended the Anicomics this year, and good golly it was awesome!
here is the site, for more info:

let's get right into it yes?
so, the adventurers for this day were:

*Jonnhy - a sweet boy from our college - me and Skav*

we arrived there mid-day, with enough time to appreciate most of the activities.
there was also activities during the morning, but hey... I need my "beauty" sleep.

I dove right into taking pictures with people that I thought had some of the best costumes.
I feel it's so much fun to get to know other people just by talking about their outfit or even their little store!

*view from the inside to the street*

the Cosplayers:

this guy was pretty cool, with a real goat skull and everything.
of course me and Skav's metal senses were tingling... this guy is a metalhead for sure!

oh mee gosh, this Furry!
I loved it to death, it made the most cute squeeking sounds.

I can only say that she was Brave enough to go out in the sun and heat with that huge wig, I tell you that much...

*super cute lolita*

this shirt was actually bought on one of the little stores inside, I loved it so much I had to try it on immediately! to know more about the store:

I just love how these cosplayers were so open to taking pictures (sure, if they spend loads of time working on their outfits, they want people to see it and take photos) I know that in this situation everyone wins, but after an entire day of people asking them pictures, they all just seemed to be cool with it.

a couple friend of ours had their little store of works "Pixelsior" made with beads inside the Anicomics, and I'm happy to say that they had many sales during those 2 days.
it was their first time having a live sale, but they made their store proud!
if you'd like to know more about their store:

and because it seemed to be a day for firsts...
this was Jonnhy's first Ramen ever!

Jonnhy is one of those people who lives on the safe side of the tracks, he's a straight A student, very well mannered, and calm, with mild adventures in his life.

but when he's with me, that goes out the window.
(I'll drag him as far as he lets me!)

he's such a good kid, me and Skav really like him, and we're happy that we can push him to live his life with a bit of more spice - as much as he feels comfortable - than he would normally do.

*this one is for you friend*

Ramen may not be a big push where you come from, but little steps makes progress!
after we had our noodle talk, we went inside to see more activities.

I used to make comic strips like this.
it would usually take up to 8 hours to complete an A2 sheet, and without inking it.
if I end up really studying Tattoing in Norway, then all those years drawing until my fingers bled will have count for something.

oh yes, I was so happy to see her... I tried to see the cosplay show live, but there was so many people crowding the theater that I could only watch her song on one of the TV's they had around the place.
I was so super happy to see another Don Bluth fan!

and Skav made a new friend from a pirate metal band, Jolly Roger, it seems cool.
it's a another outing I'm sure.

I bought a slave bracelet from this shop and they were super sweet, they even altered the bracelet so it would fit my skinny wrist. 

all and all, it was a day to remember.
I loved it.
